Day 1

09:15 – 09:30: Opening keynote address

Sultanate of Oman - The Arab world’s regional cyber security centre

09:30 – 10:30: Cyber defence on the national agenda

Viewpoint 1: National Cyber Security Policy
  • Designing technology, legislative and regulatory frameworks
  • Governance, effectiveness and efficiency
Viewpoint 2: Realising strengths and weaknesses
  • Self-reliance through R&D
  • Capacity building
  • Compliance and law enforcement
Viewpoint 3: Achieving better international collaboration
  • Regions should collaborate first
  • Multilateral information sharing
  • International cooperation

10:30 – 11:15: A collective national and regional effort for efficient functioning of CERTs

Viewpoint 1: Overview of what is known today

1. Tip of the iceberg. What we know and what we are worried about
2. Origination of attacks

Viewpoint 2: The iceberg effect

1. The reality of the situation is well hidden

Viewpoint 3: National strategies

1. Honeynets
2. Industry and institutions working together

Viewpoint 4: Regional and International collaboration

1. Sharing talent and knowledge is the only way to succeed
2. Live attack and incident data sharing

Speaker Information Badar Ali Al-Salehi
Director of Oman National CERT

11:15 – 12:00: Security and privacy risks related to cloud and mobile

Viewpoint 1: Do you really know where your data is stored?
  • Impact of virtual border crossings
  • Legally and illegal data access
  • Secure transmit paths
  • Encryption and backup
Viewpoint 2: Cloud-based security management
  • Security and monitoring
  • Viral and malware technology for mobile environments
  • Enhanced mobile handshake between corporate and public environments
  • Centralised data analysis solutions for cloud technology
Viewpoint 3: The next 5 years
  • Legal frameworks
  • Next generation encryption
  • Protected communication networks
  • 13:00 – 13:45: Cyber barring - Distributed Denial of Service

    Viewpoint 1: How much did you actually lose and do you really know how often it happens?
    • Forget what you think you know. In reality you know about 10% of what is really happening.
    • How easy is it to DDOS?
    • Loss of trust from customers
    Viewpoint 2: Impact of economic loss
    • Data loss = $
    • Access loss = $
    • Brand damage = $
    Viewpoint 3: How you can fight a typical DDOS attack
    • Identifying genuine traffic
    • Responsive and threat aware firewalls
    • Security compliance and standardisation
    Viewpoint 4: The future of DDOS protection
    • Cloud-based CDN routing
    • Human behaviour analysis
    • Layer 7 attack protection
    • ISP collaboration and DDOS mitigation

    13:45 – 14:30: Cyber intrusion and analysis

    Viewpoint 1: Know your enemy and their goals
    • Analyse, understand and secure
    • Dormant intrusion which triggers later
    • Know your weaknesses, the hackers do!
    • Digital forensics
    Viewpoint 2: Lost or stolen
    • Fraud detection: Monitoring and protecting accounts
    • Secure keys and secure payment
    • Secure mobile payments. NFID
    Viewpoint 3: The future of advanced analysis
    • Memory forensics
    • Real time network analysis
    • Behavioural analytics

    15:30 – 16:15: Industrial control systems and the role of corporate IT

    Viewpoint 1: What happens when you don’t accept the truth?
    • Black outs and loss of business
    • Incorrect actions and manipulation of processes
    • Physical damage and loss of life
    Viewpoint 2: Who is trying to attack you?
    • Political motivations
    Viewpoint 3: Smart grids and SCADA protection
    • Secure smart grids
    • Hybrid security, corporate and industrial strategies
    • Human intelligence and training methodologies
    Viewpoint 4: Today vs tomorrow’s prevention
  • Network protection
  • Roadmaps and technological advancements

  • Speakers Profile

    Jonathan Shaw

    Former Major General


    Haitham Al Hajri

    Digital Forensics Specialist - OCERT


    Hatim Al Taie

    CEO and Editor in Chief


    Prof Fred Piper Founder

    Founder - Information Security Group


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