09:00 – 09:45: Cyber offence and defence – mutually exclusive national priorities

Viewpoint 1: National virtual line of defence
  • Optimising readiness and risk-based dynamic posturing
  • CERT’s capacities as the first line of defence
  • Dedicated national cyber research institutes
  • ISPs
  • Viewpoint 2: Cyber armies of the state
    • Dedicated state-owned cyber security divisions
    • Hacktivism motivated by national patriotism
    • State-owned espionage

    09:45 – 10:30: HoneyX: Your guide to making honeypots and honeynets part of your cyber defence strategy

    Viewpoint 1: Passive defence
    • Asset risk analysis
    • Attack types and reporting
    • Intruder identification and network follow through
    Viewpoint 2: Active defence
    • Fighting back
    • Minefield approach to decoy systems
    • Farms and sacrificial lambs
    • Digital breadcrumbs and deception ports

    10:30 – 11:15 : Cyber space – a global war zone with no boundaries

    Viewpoint 1: Where are we today?
  • International collaboration or lack of it
  • Distrust of foreign entities
  • Bugs, vulnerabilities and exploits in virtual monocultures
  • How big is the collaboration iceberg?
  • Viewpoint 2: Watch the surface

    Above the surface

    • Above the water strategies to protect your country and company

    Below the surface

    • Potential strategies for governments and organisations
    • Regional CERTs and institutional organisation unification
    • Viewpoint 3: Cyber weapons and defensive equipment
    • National strategies on strengthening the cyber arsenal
    • Initiatives to speed up the military development of offensive cyber weapons
    • Hybrid attacks
    • Reverse engineering

    11:15 – 12:00: Ethical hacking and the world of hacker hiring

    Viewpoint 1: The white approach
  • Hiring the hacker or create the hacker
  • Penetration testing and knowing your network’s vulnerable areas
  • Viewpoint 2: Effects of social hacking
    • Do we and our staff know what details to give out?
    • How a simple attempt can get into retrieving sensitive information
    Viewpoint 3: Aggressive offence strategies
  • Taking down the originator
  • What is right, what is wrong?
  • Hack the hacker
  • Reverse engineering networks to cripple them
  • 13:00 – 13:45: Hacktivism – a public relations nightmare

    Viewpoint 1: Origins and reasons for attacks
    • Popularity of hacktivism
    • What to say, what not to say
    • Anonymous and Lulzsec = public figures
    Viewpoint 2: Hazards of hacktivism
    • Too much power in the hand of individuals
    • Wikileaks – the starting point of public cyber espionage
    • Freedom of speech and action?
    Viewpoint 3: Policies and strategy
    • Communicate, don’t hide
    • When to tell the world and your clients
    • Stolen encrypted and non-encrypted
    • Lost and irreplaceable

    Speakers Profile

    Badar Ali Al-Salehi

    Director of Oman National CERT

    Engineer Badar Ali Al-Salehi is Director at Oman National CERT, one of e-Oman’s national initiatives..

    Abdirashid Samater

    IT Advisor

    Abdirashid Samater is a seasoned IT professional with more than 15 years of experience in.

    Dr Bader Salim Al Manthari

    Executive - Information Security


    Raoul Chiesa

    Cyber Crime Adviser

    Raoul ‘Nobody’ Chiesa – after having been among the first Italian hackers from 1986 to.

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