Day 1
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- /Dedicated days of defence and offence
- /Agenda Day 1
09:15 – 09:30: Opening keynote address
Sultanate of Oman - The Arab world’s regional cyber security centre
09:30 – 10:30: Cyber defence on the national agenda
Viewpoint 1: National Cyber Security Policy
- Designing technology, legislative and regulatory frameworks
- Governance, effectiveness and efficiency
- Self-reliance through R&D
- Capacity building
- Compliance and law enforcement
- Regions should collaborate first
- Multilateral information sharing
- International cooperation
10:30 – 11:15: A collective national and regional effort for efficient functioning of CERTs
Viewpoint 1: Overview of what is known today
1. Tip of the iceberg. What we know and what we are worried about
2. Origination of attacks
1. The reality of the situation is well hidden
Viewpoint 3: National strategies1. Honeynets
2. Industry and institutions working together
1. Sharing talent and knowledge is the only way to succeed
2. Live attack and incident data sharing
Director of Oman National CERT
11:15 – 12:00: Security and privacy risks related to cloud and mobile
Viewpoint 1: Do you really know where your data is stored? Legal frameworks
Next generation encryption
Protected communication networks
- Impact of virtual border crossings
- Legally and illegal data access
- Secure transmit paths
- Encryption and backup
- Security and monitoring
- Viral and malware technology for mobile environments
- Enhanced mobile handshake between corporate and public environments
- Centralised data analysis solutions for cloud technology
13:00 – 13:45: Cyber barring - Distributed Denial of Service
Viewpoint 1: How much did you actually lose and do you really know how often it happens?
- Forget what you think you know. In reality you know about 10% of what is really happening.
- How easy is it to DDOS?
- Loss of trust from customers
- Data loss = $
- Access loss = $
- Brand damage = $
- Identifying genuine traffic
- Responsive and threat aware firewalls
- Security compliance and standardisation
- Cloud-based CDN routing
- Human behaviour analysis
- Layer 7 attack protection
- ISP collaboration and DDOS mitigation
13:45 – 14:30: Cyber intrusion and analysis
Viewpoint 1: Know your enemy and their goals
- Analyse, understand and secure
- Dormant intrusion which triggers later
- Know your weaknesses, the hackers do!
- Digital forensics
- Fraud detection: Monitoring and protecting accounts
- Secure keys and secure payment
- Secure mobile payments. NFID
- Memory forensics
- Real time network analysis
- Behavioural analytics
15:30 – 16:15: Industrial control systems and the role of corporate IT
Viewpoint 1: What happens when you don’t accept the truth? Network protection
Roadmaps and technological advancements
- Black outs and loss of business
- Incorrect actions and manipulation of processes
- Physical damage and loss of life
- Political motivations
- Secure smart grids
- Hybrid security, corporate and industrial strategies
- Human intelligence and training methodologies
Speakers Profile
Kevin Cardwell
Independent Consultant
He developed the Strategy and Training Development Plan for Oman CERT during its inception and.
Hord Tipton
Executive Director
Hord Tipton is the Executive Director at (ISC)², the largest not-for-profit membership body.
Andrea Rigoni
Director General
With more than 20 years of experience in Cyber Security, Andrea Rigoni is currently the.
Raoul Chiesa
Cyber Crime Adviser
Raoul ‘Nobody’ Chiesa – after having been among the first Italian hackers from 1986 to.